3 Great Ways to Clean Jewellery At Home

1. Use Ammonia

Ammonia is most commonly used to clean floors, but it can also work well with diamonds and moissanites without damaging them. 

Take six parts water and one part ammonia and mix them in a bowl. Place your moissanite in the bowl and allow them to sit for one minute. Then, take a soft-bristled toothbrush and gently scrub the jewellery to remove any remaining grime. Ensure that you have brushed the setting and crevices where dirt can get lodged. Rinse thoroughly with water and use a soft cloth to dry completely.

2. Use Toothpaste

Toothpaste is a great on-the-go solution that is highly effective. Scrub your jewellery with a soft-bristled toothbrush, paying attention to nooks and crannies where dirt may be hidden. Rinse thoroughly with water and use a soft cloth to dry completely.

3. Soap and Water

Good old-fashioned soap and water works wonders on jewellery just as it does on everything else to remove dirt and grime. This method is also ideal for stones that are porous and soft, such as pearls. 

Simply combine two cups of water and a squeeze of dishwashing liquid or gentle laundry detergent. Dip your jewellery into the solution, and use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently scrub around the grooves. Rinse thoroughly with water and use a soft cloth to dry completely.

When in doubt, especially for porous or soft gemstones such as pearls, always seek professional advice and/or have your jeweller clean your jewellery professionally. Florentine offers complimentary cleaning services for our customers.

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